Supporting Children

Our Soccer Team.

Your monthly gift will change the course of a child’s life. 

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Our projects

Our organization is involved in numerous projects.

Empowering Refugee Children through Sports: Our Success in Providing Soccer Equipment and Uniforms

Welcome to our nonprofit organization, dedicated to improving the lives of children in Sudan who are refugees. We are a team of compassionate individuals from Africa as well as individuals around the world who have come together to make a positive impact on the lives of these children.


One of our recent successes was the creation of a soccer team for the children in our community. We believe that sports can have a positive impact on children’s physical and mental well-being, and we wanted to provide them with the opportunity to participate in a sport that they love. With the help of dedicated volunteers and coaches, we were able to assemble a talented group of young players and provide them with the necessary training and resources to compete in local competitions. Seeing the children develop their skills and teamwork has been incredibly rewarding, and we hope to continue supporting their growth and success in the future.


Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, we were able to purchase brand new soccer uniforms and equipment for the children. The joy and excitement on their faces when they received these gifts were truly heartwarming.


 We are thrilled to see them developing their skills and enjoying themselves in the process. We are grateful to our donors and volunteers who have helped us achieve this success. Your support has made a real difference in the lives of these children. We hope to continue to provide them with more opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive.


If you would like to learn more about our organization and how you can support our efforts, please visit our website and consider sponsoring a child. Your donation can make a significant difference in the life of a child in need. Thank you for your support.

Our primary focus is to provide financial assistance to refugee children who are in dire need of support. We understand that refugee children are some of the most vulnerable members of our society, often lacking access to basic necessities like food, shelter, and education. 


Through our efforts, we aim to change this. Our organization operates on donations and monthly sponsors. Every dollar counts, and we are grateful for any support that we receive. Our goal is to create a sustainable platform that can provide aid to as many children as possible.

Nurturing Healthy Growth: Our Initiative to Educate Mothers on the Benefits of Breastfeeding

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of refugee children in Sudan, we understand the importance of providing proper nutrition for their growth and development. Breastfeeding is a crucial part of ensuring that infants receive the necessary nutrients to support their growth and health.

To help educate mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding and how to properly breastfeed their infants, we recently organized an education session on breastfeeding. Our team collaborated with local healthcare professionals to provide mothers with essential information and tips on breastfeeding.

During the session, the mothers learned about the importance of breastfeeding for both the mother and the baby. They were also provided with practical guidance on how to position their baby, latch, and deal with common breastfeeding challenges. The session provided an opportunity for mothers to ask questions and share their experiences with each other.

We are pleased to have been able to provide this important education on breastfeeding to the mothers of refugee children in Sudan. By empowering mothers with knowledge and resources, we can help ensure that their children receive the best possible start in life.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of programs do you offer?

A: We offer programs in education, leadership, awareness, and healthcare. Our programs include scholarships and other educational opportunities, leadership training, awareness campaigns, and medical assistance.

Q: How do you ensure that donations go directly to refugee children in need?

A: We have a rigorous process for vetting and selecting the children who receive financial assistance from our organization. We also work closely with local organizations and communities to ensure that our aid is distributed fairly and transparently.

Q: Can I sponsor a specific child?

A: Yes, we offer a child sponsorship program that allows donors to sponsor a specific child and provide ongoing financial support.

Q: How can I support your organization?

A: There are several ways you can support our organization, including making a donation, becoming a monthly sponsor, volunteering, and spreading the word about our cause on social media.

Q: How do you measure the impact of your programs?

A: We use a range of metrics to measure the impact of our programs, including the number of children who receive scholarships and other forms of aid, the academic progress of these children, and the feedback we receive from them and their families.

Q: How do you collaborate with other organizations and communities?

A: We collaborate with other organizations and communities by forming partnerships and working together to achieve our shared goals. We believe that by working together, we can make a greater impact in the lives of refugee children.